Fiestohr23 - 15th & 16th of December 2023
DOCK 8 Bern
Holligerhof 8, 3008 Bern
Fiestohr is a tiny festival that aims to bring together different artists who wouldn't necessarily meet. They will, for two days meet and exchange around the theme "RESONATING BODX". Each artist is invited to propose their own interpretation, choosing the kind of art they want.
19:00 Nuriia Khasenova & Dalius Singer
19:30 Amba Klapwijk in collaboration with VidAmir & Eli Dorsman
20:00 Lukas Briner
20:30 Projet Ohr
18:00 Round table discussion (Open to public)
19:00 Angeles Rojas
19h30 Lautaro Tesar
20h00 Aya Metwalli
20h30 Laura Ahumada & Martin Theurillat